Speechless 中文歌詞
Here comes a wave 一陣浪花朝我襲來
Meant to wash me away 即將將我沖離
A tide that is taking me under 潮水將我湧入
Swallowed in sand 流沙將我吞噬
Left with nothing to say 留下的是無話可說
My voice drowned out in the thunder 我的聲音在雷聲中被淹沒
But I won’t cry 但我不會哭泣
And I won’t start to crumble 我不會開始崩潰
Whenever they try 無論他們怎麼嘗試
To shut me or cut me down 封閉我或阻礙我
I won’t be silenced 我將不會沈默
You can’t keep me quiet 你無法叫我默不作聲
Won’t tremble when you try it 我不再顫抖,當你試著要我安靜的時候
All I know is I won’t go speechless 我知道我不會再緘默
Cause I’ll breathe 因我將繼續呼吸
When they try to suffocate me 當他們試圖阻止我
Don’t you underestimate me 你別再低估我
Cause I know that I won’t go speechless 因為我不會再緘默
Written in stone 刻在石頭上
Every rule, every word 每條規則,每一個字
Centuries old and unbending 千古不變,堅定不屈
Stay in your place 站在你該待的位子
Better seen and not heard 好好看著別出聲
But now that story is ending 但這個故事已結束
Cause I 因我
I cannot start to crumble 我開始不會崩潰
So come on and try 所以放馬過來試試看
Try to shut me and cut me down 試著封閉我和阻礙我
I won’t be silenced 我不會再緘默
You can’t keep me quiet 你無法使我安靜
Won’t tremble when you try it 當他們試圖阻止我
All I know is I won’t go speechless 我只知道我不會再緘默
Speechless 勇敢發聲
Let the storm in 當暴風襲來
I cannot be broken 我不會因此支離破碎
No, I won’t live unspoken 不,我不願活在無語之中
Cause I know that I won’t go speechless 因為我知道我不再緘默
Try to lock me in this cage 試著把我關進牢籠中
I won’t just lay me down and die 我不會讓我自己坐以待斃
I will take these broken wings 我將揮舞這破碎的翅膀
And watch me burn across the sky 並看著我在天空發光發熱
And it echoes saying I… 而那回聲說,我
Won’t be silenced 不再緘默
No you will not see me tremble when you try it 不,你將不會再看到我顫抖,在你試著要我安靜時
All I know is I won’t go speechless 我所知道的是我不再緘默
Speechless 勇敢發聲
Cause I’ll breathe 因我將繼續呼吸
When they try to suffocate me 當他們試圖阻止我
Don’t you underestimate me 你別再低估我
Cause I know that I won’t go speechless 因為我不會再緘默
All I know is I won’t go speechless 我所知道的是我不再緘默
Speechless 勇敢發聲